
Societies unrealistic beauty standards are slowly killing this world. Woman around see expectations of what they are supposed to look like and the hunger to become prettier silently drowns them. It can lead to mental problems, health issues and possibly -- death. 

Let's start with a scenario. All the women in the world gathered into a room and everyone is supposed to chose the prettiest people while the others will die. Then, out of the pretty people, they are to select the prettiest people between themselves. It will go like a cycle until there is one person left. The prettiest person in the world. Ah... isn’t that the dream? But what defines beauty? 

Beauty originates from the greek word ‘kallos’ which mainly means ‘beautiful’ or ‘fine quality’. Beauty is a sense of pleasure, in the mind or spirit, someone gets when looking at the qualities in a person. It basically surrounds ‘aesthetics’. Aesthetics deals with the perception and the nature of beauty. It also deals with art and the appreciation of the creation of art works. 

It is human nature to want to be attractive. Beauty dates back millions of years and much of the fine arts, historically, were depictions of beauty. Nowadays, social media is the platform used to understand societies’ idea of beauty. Celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Bella Hadid are what women strive to look. But we have to take into consideration that the vast majority of celebrities spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery and botox to alter their faces. No one is perfect. So, every once in a while, we need to remind ourselves that what you see through the screen, is not all natural. Many apps, such as Snapchat, also found out ways for people to alter their camera appearance to whatever they desire. These are called filters. So there is no certainty what you see online is real.

The society we live in revolves around beauty. As the beauty standards increase, more and more people would feel degraded and wanting to become ‘prettier'. But the truth is, this toxic cycle must stop. We need to realise that we are only human and that we are all beautiful. Different is always beautiful and all that matters is you understanding your self worth and realising that you are beautiful in your own way. (daily reminder that social media isn’t real)


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