The Russia-Ukraine Crisis

The current biggest predicament facing the world and a stark reminder of what happens when the cold war turns hot...The Ukraine crisis! Could it lead to the next World War 3? The Ukraine crisis has shaken the world but how did it start? 

The Ukraine crisis began when Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, declared war on it. There was a lot of tension between Russia and neighboring countries as Russia wanted to reunite the USSR. After it’s split on December 25, 1991, Russia definitely wasn’t pleased and described it as a ‘catastrophe’. Putin seems to have spent 22 years of his reign trying to reunify these countries back to their original state. 

The current conflict has its origins in Ukraine’s decision in 2014 to forge closer ties with the European Union and NATO. It thus would succesfully distance itself from Russia. Putin, who accused U.S and E.U of instigating a ‘facism’ group, responded by seizing the Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula. The fallout of the Crimean annexation was war between the separatists and the Ukrainian military. This led to the death of approximately 14,000 people. Russia then took full control of the Sevastopol Naval base. From then onwards, Ukraine is in a humanitarian crisis and is suffering in myriad ways, including economically, politically, and so on. 

In his efforts to reunify the old USSR, Putin wanted to begin with three in particular -- Georgia, Ukraine and Belarus. In August 2008, Russia began to invade Georgia -- the first European war of the 21st century. This made countries like the U.S and Germany concerned. Russia began the Ukraine attack on February 24, 2022. The number of refugees who fled the country has crossed half a million. Putin wants to capture Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. The invasion threatens the already tense ex-Soviet region, with serious security consequences for the entire Europe. 

However, it all depends on one question...which side are you on? This controversial question can have numerous responses. The Allies are siding with Ukraine in this war. The vast majority of people globally want peace for Ukraine -- and with good reason.

I believe war is a criminal offense and wouldn’t help anyone at the end. I think conflict should be resolved in other ways and the solution isn’t about which side your on --but by stopping this bloodshed. 


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